Monday, June 7, 2010

My Big Gay Weekend

Friday afternoon I clocked out at work & ran home to put on the loudest dress I own. I was running late & had a very important date with the loudest and proudest of Austin's LGBTQIA community. That's right - Austin had it's first ever Queer Bomb Day! It was a smokin' hot success covered in love & glitter & of course - pride! We had to go march and show our support. There has been a rift here in the heart of Texas's queer community & some disagreement on how that community should present & conduct it's self... Some folks didn't want to concern themselves with what the rest of the world might think about them... thus Queer Bomb was born! It was a total effing blast! Pics? Of course!

I feel like I sort of failed this event. Not being fully unpacked yet I could not find my body glitter (yes, I own some) or any of my noise-makery things like whistles, kazoo's, bells... There's always next year - right?

We got home from Queer Bomb - LATE. Then I was up and out of bed, straightening up (wha wha) to have my lady friends over after we caught a showing of Sex in the City 2!
We sipped cosmos while they showed old trailers for movies like Big Trouble in Little China & Mannequin - which Kim Cattrall starred in! I totally need to revisit these movies with a quickness! I loved them when I was a kid.

As for the movie we went to see - it was totally over the top AND it was supposed to be. It wasn't bat shit crazy about the movie. I can't for the life of me figure out why the writers chose Abu Dhabi as the girls vacation destination - out of EVERY WHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD. But - i'm not going to get caught up on all that... I loved Stanford and Anthony's wedding. It was fantastically over the top! *Spoiler Alert* There were swans, Anthony cries, Carrie wears a tux & she looks awesome - minus her lady gaga inspired head gear.. My favorite outfit in the entire movie was Miranda's dress she wore to the wedding. I could only find this shot of it.

My second favorite fashion moment was Carrie at the Souk in her big giant skirt that makes her look like Carrie from so many years ago:

*Spoiler Alert 2* Aiden comes back! He was my favorite. Okay - that's all I'm going to say.

While I think most people would find it hard to relate to the extreme luxury in this flick - relating to where the ladies are personally & in their relationships takes little to no work at all. Each woman lives such a different kind of life, but they are all struggling with trying not to lose who they were just a few years ago - while they try to warm up to the changes that have recently taken place. Marriage, children, menopause... The message the ladies have is sort of comforting. In a world filled with lifestyle magazines and Martha Stewart telling you the best way to deal with every little freakin' thing in your life - the fab 4 seem to be telling us to tune all that crap out and make our own rules no matter what. It's all set up at the biggest gayest wedding ever. Which was sort of perfect. All in all I'll give it a B-
which is equivalent to three (out of five) <3's.

So which of our leading ladies do you most relate to? I've always felt like I was a pretty even mix between Miranda & Carrie... with a touch of Samantha when I'm cutting lose. I've never been able to relate to Charlotte though. Not even a little bit.

And that is the story of my big gay weekend!

love, glitter & pride,
Bonnie Rue

p.s. What about that amazing pony ride of a bike? Are you as jealous as I am?!

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