We stayed at this cute little place called the Laughing Horse Lodge. It was kitschy & quiet & cheap - in other words a dream come true. Our little bungalow was called "The Hobby Horse" which we felt was pretty fitting.

Before we left town we stopped off to get tropical pedicures! We didn't plan for them to be girly pink and bad boy blue - that's just how it worked out - cross my heart. It was Austin's very first pedicure and I doubt it will be his last.
Since Austin and I both work ALL THE TIME we were "not allowed" to work during this trip. So there wasn't a lot to pack. I did bring my computer though - which I really only used to check the weather and listen to music. I thought it would be hard not to work for an entire weekend, but turns out I was wrong! Dead wrong!
When we weren't laying low or looking like vampires on parade at the beach we hung out at the local pirate bar - The Gaff. A gem of a place that is filled with characters and hosts belt sander races on the weekends. Yes, you read that right - Belt Sander Races. We did not get to see said races which left me feeling cheated, but that gives me another reason to return.
The whole trip was totally effing delightful! Going back to work Monday morning felt worse than any sunburn, but you can't have the rainbows with out the rain... right?
Take my advice - raid your piggy bank and get out of town! Make like a tree! Shew! It doesn't have to be a big deal of a trip to make you feel brand new.
To see more pictures of our adventures check my flickr account!
Bonnie Rue
p.s. Best song to listen to at the beach? Summer Time Rolls ... if you ask me
This looks SOSososossooo awesome. I'm totally jealous.
It really was awesome! I can't wait to hear about your trip to PDX! You're jealous? I'm jealous!
I dig your style, and that logo at the top of the page has to be the baddest thing ever! Awesome.
Keep bloggin'. :D
pssst... i started a blog that is inspired by yours!
We stayed at the LH last summer and loved it, too! I hope to go back soon...
Hey Natasha - Thank You! I came up with some other banners but I didn't like any of them as much as this one - I'm glad you like it ;)
Aw - Jessica that's awesome! I'm so flattered!
Jen - you better get back down there before the coast is totally ruined :(
It was lovely a few weeks ago, but with the oil situation as it is... who knows what will happen. it makes me sick to think about it.
AWESOME BLOG!!! I really like the way you write!!
Looks like you had a blast;)
Cute toes.
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