I can not believe it's November. Last I checked it was September... or that's how it feels anyway. From the looks of my office it may as well be the week before Xmas. Shipping boxes here & there, empty rolls of packing tape over flowing the trash can, my printer is blinking red to let me know I've used all the ink printing out festive shipping labels.. It's a lovely little mess up in here!
Some of these shipping boxes are going off to lovely far away lands & others have just arrived. So what just came in?
More Outlaw hoodies!
Now available in Small, Medium & Large! For the longest time I just had smalls in stock - which is uncool - but those days are behind us now & because it's foggy outside & the temp has dropped considerably here in Austin, TX I am giving 1 of these Outlaw Hoodies away - Right here on my blog! All you have to do is leave a comment below sometime between now & next Wednesday (November 17th). I will pick a winner at random on Wednesday morning. The winner will be sure to turn heads & maybe get some weird looks from their grandma from across the thanksgiving day table... *wink*

Why the massive hoodie sale? Well, we here at Model Citizen (and by we I mean me) just hate to be cold. It's the total effing pits. So we want you all to be warm & thrifty of course... and speaking of everyone being warm, while you are out shopping this holiday season - if you see any blankets on sale please pick 1 or 2 up and drop them my your local homeless shelter. Better yet - post up a flier at work asking people to donate some blankets (if used they must be washed please!) then take a big ole box of warmth to some people who really need it.
Bonnie Rue
Awesomeness! Maybe you can donate one to the homeless for Thanksgiving. That would be funny as hell and helpful.
Omg! I love your stuff. Still fav typewriter earrings and dress to this day. (bought at the Handmade Nation screening) I would love me a hoodie!!!
There are cheap gloves for sale at Joanne Fabrics. They are only a dollar and are a great "handout" for the homeless. I also crochet hats like a crazy person. Me me pick me for the hoodie giveaway! Also, save all those hotel soaps and shampoos on your travels. They make a nice donation as well:)
Yay for sales!
I just moved from Dallas to Pittsburgh for grad school, I definitely need to expand my cold (freezing!) weather wardrobe!
Awesome!!! ^_^
Rad!! I'm a fan of this one for sure, I like to call it 'Killer Titties', but that's just me being vulgar :)
Keep up the good work Bonaducci!! <3
Pretty awesome! <3 to Shanti Deva for the pointer :)
Love these hoodies, and all your stuff! Great idea re: giving blankets to the homeless. Academy has fleece blankets on sale for $5 right now...
Oh man, it is freezing up here in PDX! And grey and rainy to boot! Hooray for giveaways and sales to help drive away the goom! <3
me! me! me!
cold, underemployed grad student who could use a new AWESOME hoodie!
burntpopcorn78 gmail.com
I hate being cold! I can't wait to be back in the South. ATX road trip soon!
I love this hoodie. Like woah. No surprise though, right? In high school, one of my teachers offered students extra credit for helping out at a soup kitchen in the winter. As soon as I wrap up grad school apps, I'll be doing some serious fall/winter cleaning and donating what I don't need to SafePlace and perhaps ARCH, unless there's a better org to pass on to.
Great timing with this post. Austin's Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week started this past Saturday. I'll be sifting through my coats, clothing, and blankets to see what I can donate soon.
I would kill for that hoodie!
Nice etsy shop :) Love Beauty and The Beat t-shirt
Oooohh....yes please! I love that hoodie and it is crazy cold here already. :( I'm sooo not looking forward to dealing with even lower temps. Fortunately, our area has a local mission that has a blanket, coat, and sock drive...here's hoping it goes as well as last year.
SCORE!!! The hoodie to match my dress. Now thats dreamy!!!
Score! A hoodie to match my dress. Now thats dreamy!
I hate being cold and I hate looking like a dork trying to stay warm. Love the hoodie. The rest of your shop makes me wish I didnt give a crap about Christmas shopping for my family so I could go blow some money in your shop right now.
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