Saturday, January 2, 2010

2010 Let the fun begin!

Happy New Year Everyone! I hope you were all dancing around with sparklers & making out with a hottie when the ball dropped. 2009 was a real flaming bag of crap of a year. No, it wasn't all bad, but the boat was rocked, no doubt about it. I'm feeling pretty optimistic about 2010 though. How about you? Do you feel like a page has been turned & the bulk of the unpleasantness is over? Here's to hoping!

After my last post I ditched town for a while & went to hunker down with family in an attempt to get out of my funk. It worked! I feel Rah-Rah-Ready to take on the new year!

Resolutions? You bet!

1. Cut the crap. Sure, this sounds vague and a touch overwhelming because there is so much crap in life, but I've got a plan. I've set up a daily schedule so that I will have time for all the things I give a shit about rather than trying to fit them in around all the bs that I have to do. This schedule is my ticket getting what I want out of this life. So for 2010 the mantra playing non stop in my head is Hagrid giving Harry instructions for getting on the train for Hogwarts his first year "stick to your ticket". More time for creativity - less time running around with my head up my butt trying to make it all work.

2. In the spirit of cutting the crap, I'll be spending less time with the people who turn out to be the devil on my shoulder & much much more time with people who want to make & do things. Yay Things!

3. Less TV & more music! Hulu (like so many other things that are bad for you) is awesome. But I'm breaking up with it. Our relationship has become unmanageable & at times codependent. I've decided that I will pop into my local record store every tuesday so I can check out what has just been released and pick up some more ear candy for my collection. This is an excellent plan because every Tuesday at Waterloo Records they have a Vinyl Happy Hour - all records 10% off. Hell Yes!
* Psst! There is a vinyl revival going on! With indie labels selling records that come with a free mp3 download of the album & turntables that will digitize your record collections becoming widely available it looks like records won't just be for hipsters, geeks & dj's anymore <3

4. Juice! Yep, I got a juicer for xmas & I'm more excited than a virgin on prom night! A magical world of sweet & sour & salubrious concoctions await! Don't worry, I'll share some of my recipes with you, because sharing is caring & that's what we're all about here at Good Girls & Geeks ;)... now if only I could juice a cupcake.. nah, they're perfect the way they are.

5. TRAVEL MORE! I do not get out of Austin, TX as much as I should!

Five is more than enough - right? What are your new years resolutions? Going to lay off the sauce? Read more? Learn a new language? Do tell!

Bonnie Rue


Annie Spandex said...

Cool records! The Slits are awesome. I'm so happy, you're so nice, kiss kiss kiss, fun fun life!! My boyfriend co-owns an indie record label and they only sell records (with the free download included, of course, just as you say). Vinyl really does just sound better. Don't know why, but it does!

foxintheforest said...

hooray for a new year! 2009 wasn't too bad for me, but I made a lot of changes that I had no control over that year and this year I plan on making more changes but on my own terms.
first is to let go of the small stuff and not expect people to be perfect. I find myself getting carried away with meaningless things or being disappointed in people because they don't act how I anticipate (even though they are really acting awesome anyway I dont realize this till later cause I'm feeling to disappointed)
second is to eat more vegetables and in the spring to start a garden! multivitamins are great but they can't replace fresh tomato.
third is to try and hype up my stick-to-itiveness. dont give up!

I'm so glad things are going better for you! I love your blog and I was hoping you wouldn't stop after having a rough time lately.

Model Citizen aka Bonnie Rue said...

Those are fantastic resolutions! I also need to be a little more accepting of people & their actions.. and I totally need to start a garden this year! I've mentioned before that I have black thumbs but it's high time I turn that around. I eat tons of vegetables and shop at the farmers market, but things like tomatoes, squash and herbs need to be planted at my new digs this year. Thanks so much for commenting & I believe that you can stick to your guns this year and TCB!... and I hope to see you posting things on your baking blog! xo

Model Citizen aka Bonnie Rue said...

Hey Annie,
your comment slipped past me - what's the name of his label? Vinyl actually has wider range of frequencies making it sound fuller, plus I think that sitting down & putting a record on makes you pay more attention & generally appreciate it more. CD's are like fast food for your ears - except they aren't necessarily bad for you... they just have lower "nutritional" value.

Riley Byrnes said...

Minor Threat FTW!